Chronicling the Frontiers of Knowledge: Research Trajectories in the Consortium Archive


  • Hina Akhtar Aga Khan University, Karachi Author
  • Dr. Ahmed El-Amin American University in Cairo, Egypt Author


Consortium Archive, research trajectories, knowledge evolution, bibliometrics, thematic mapping, intellectual history


Through a close examination of the archive's contents, we trace the key research trajectories that have shaped the field's current understanding. We employ bibliometric analysis, thematic mapping, and historical contextualization to uncover the intellectual threads that connect past inquiries to present knowledge frontiers. The article sheds light on the pivotal contributions of individual scholars and research groups, the emergence and transformation of dominant research themes, and the ongoing debates and challenges that continue to propel the field forward. Ultimately, this study offers a valuable resource for scholars and researchers seeking to navigate the intellectual landscape of the field and gain a deeper understanding of its ongoing development.

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