
  • Dr. Hina Hadayat Ali* Assistant Professor/Coordinator Department of Special Education, University of Education, Lahore, Faisalabad Campus, Pakistan Author
  • Dr. Muhammad Nazir Lecturer Special Education Department of Special Education, University of Education, Lahore, Faisalabad Campus, Pakistan Author
  • Muhammad Akram Sabir Lecturer Special Education Government Training College for the Teachers of Blind Lahore, Pakistan Author



The purpose of the study was to investigate the transportation challenges faced by students with visual impairment. The best way to collect the data required for this study was through survey design. The research employed a descriptive methodology. All of the visually impaired children enrolled in the government-run special education schools in the Faisalabad district made up the population of the current study. The study's sample consisted of fifty special education teachers who currently work with visually impaired pupils at government-run special education institutions in the Faisalabad area. The convenient sampling strategy was used to choose the study's sample. A structured questionnaire consisting of closed-ended questions was created for this study in order to gather information from the visually impaired children enrolled in government-run special education schools in the Faisalabad area. Researchers visited the Govt. Special Education Institutes of district Faisalabad and approached the students with visual impairment for the data collection. Then, the data was analyzed using descriptive approaches i.e. frequency and percentage. The results indicated that students with visual impairment were facing many problems regarding the use of public transport including non-cooperative attitude of the staff of the public transport. The respondents reported that special seats were not reserved by the bus staff for the people with visual impairment. No proper seating arrangements were made for the people with visual impairment in waiting areas. The buses were not timely transporting the blind persons on their respective destination.

Keywords: Transportation, challenges, students with visual impairment. 

